As an introvert, the thought of actively promoting your work or engaging with an audience might make you want to run back to your studio and hide.

However, introverts are uniquely positioned to be extremely successful at marketing, simply by accentuating the skills they are already great at.

We walk you through which marketing tools are best for introverted artists and how to harness your energy in our introvert’s guide to art marketing. Take a look:

Play up your strengths

Introverts are great thinkers. You like to collect your thoughts and definitely think before you speak. Lo and behold, this is actually an amazing skillset to possess for art marketing!

Cue: social media, blogging, and email. These platforms are perfect for introverted artists. You have time to think, craft the right message, proofread your work, and even edit, all before you actually say anything. These marketing tools focus on the visuals and writing you excel at, so use them to your advantage in your marketing strategy.

Which leads us to our next point... 

Don’t feel like you have to do it all

While you may feel pressured to try every marketing avenue under the sun, it’s more important to focus on ones you can handle and do them exceptionally well. So if filming videos or joining in on podcasts seem too daunting to you, focus on tools like social media and blogging that are more suited to your strengths.

The same goes for social media! If being social on Twitter is too nerve-wracking, pick a few other sites to master like Facebook and Instagram that you can put full effort towards.

Harness your energy

Sometimes it takes a lot of energy for introverts to be social. Sound like you?

Well, once you’ve found the right art marketing tools for your introverted personality, now you can work on them when you have the energy. This is when the magic of scheduling tools comes in handy.

Instead of posting on social media by hand each day, tools like Buffer and Hootsuite let you write posts ahead of time and schedule them to go out when your fans are online. For email, a tool like MailChimp lets you personalize and schedule your art business’ newsletters. Sites like WordPress lets you schedule your blog posts, too!

Organize your time

Unfortunately, scheduling tools can’t do all the social interacting for you. So, the best way to tackle the to-dos you may not be so keen on is to schedule yourself.

Block out time for tasks like replying to comments on your blog or social media posts and answering emails. Knowing when you need to get these things done will allow you time to charge up your social battery beforehand and not stress throughout the day.

Practice telling your story ahead of time

If you get uncomfortable talking about yourself (like most introverts), then you’re going to want to listen up. No matter what kind of art marketing you focus on, at some point you are going to have to talk about yourself and your art … in person, to other people.

Want to be able to tell your story well? Practice by writing and rewriting your artist biography. Following these writing tips for your website’s About Me page will help you narrow down your story so you’re ready to enchant your audience.

Find sites that make it easy on you

We already talked about scheduling tools like Buffer, but there are so many websites out there that can help make your art marketing more efficient.

Need a free graphic design tool? Try Canva. Want an easy way to make a blog for free? Check out these great blogging websites. Show galleries and buyers exactly what art is available with your clean and professionally-presented Public Page on Artwork Archive.

Don’t feel like you have to go it alone

If the thought of being all alone at a gallery showing or art fair scares you, then bring along a friend for support. Sometimes having at least one familiar face in a crowd of strangers can be a great source of strength. This wingman can help make introductions and give you the confidence to talk to potential buyers.

The bottom line is …

Marketing is not just for extroverts! Introverted artists can play the art marketing game, too. With their thoughtfulness, organization, and listening skills, introverts have the important skills to really dominate in the art marketing realm. The key is finding the right platforms, tools, and practices to match your strengths as an introvert. Do this, and watch your art business take off.

For more inspirational art business advice, check out How to Keep Fear from Ruining Your Art Business.