Why should you keep track of your art contacts, locations, and art exhibitions?

Have you ever dropped work off at a gallery and then forgotten to pick it up?

Or, have you ever tried to track down a piece that has been sold only to realize you didn't write down the collector's information?

With Artwork Archive, you can keep track of important contacts, upcoming exhibitions, and various locations all in one place. Having a system where you can log this information not only helps set you up for success but also gives you the peace of mind that comes with knowing where your work is at all times.

In this one-hour training session, hosted by a member of the Artwork Archive team, we cover how to:

  • Why provenance is important for your art career
  • Creating Location & Exhibition records for your artwork
  • Using Exhibitions to manage applications, shows, and competitions
  • Using Contact Groups to share your work more effectively
  • Keeping up with important deadlines with reminders
  • Generating Reports for Locations, Exhibitions and Contacts

For the best experience, have your Artwork Archive account open and be ready to follow along!